Me! :D

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  General Drakkisath solo guide
  • zone: Upper Blackrock Spire (no longer available for lvl 60 players)
  • soloed with: lvl 60 protection warrior
  • solo date: 21st of February 2012

  This was my first PvE duel that I consider to be epic. :) Eight tries until I finally won and every time there was a long run from the graveyard all the way through the dungeon. I wrote instructions about how to win years ago and even though the dungeon is no longer available I've decided to publish those instructions just for fun, and in case some of these tips might work for other bosses as well. There was also a list of things that I needed to take with me to the dungeon but I've now separated that list and it can be found in: Guides -> "What to take with you on a dungeon solo run (checklist)", slighty updated. So here are my ancient scribblings:

  If you want to win this fight you need to be a twink of course. :) It might be a good idea to read about General Drakkisath in the comments in Wowhead. Those helped me a lot.

  You could ask for buffs from pala, druid and priest before you head into the Burning Steppes. However, it is very possible to down to boss without those buffs, and you can barely make it all the way from a capital city, through the dungeon, all the way to the boss before these 1 hour buffs ran out of time. But you can. :) If you are fast it takes very close to 50 minutes to go from Orgrimmar to General Drakkisath, killing all the bosses and mobs in Upper Blackrock Spire along the way.

  Ok, so here we go. Upper Blackrock Spire is in the same dungeon as Lower Blackrock Spire. To go to the Upper Spire just go left when you enter the dung (but I'm sure you already knew this if you are reading this). You can use one Magic Resistance Potion with the first boss.

  Oh, by the way, here are some gear and enchants I used in here (most of which I use everywhere): shield enchant: +5 all resist, cloak enchant: +5 all resist, chest enchant: +10 all stats. Gems: +20 parry, +20 resiliance (yes, didn't want to change it just for this event), +30 stamina x 2, +20 expertise, +10 all stats... and so on. Trinkets: at the boss fight I used The Burrower's Shell and Arena Grand Master (if I would've had Petrified Scarab back then I would've used it).

  Warriors can heal themselves using Victory Rush these days, so I tried to kill the small mobs in the boss room just before I attacked the boss and his two guards, so I could have the Victory Rush window open for 25 seconds (glyphed) while fighting the boss. However, in my last (and best) try, the room was empty when I attacked the boss. Only the General and his 2 pals remained. So I'd suggest killing all the enemies first and then taking your time to prepare for the final fight. Also, you need to have killed all the enemies in the previous room across the bridge as that is where you will run later during the fight.

  The final boss fight was actually rather simple (even though it did take me 8 tries). Take everything you got before the fight begins: food buff, chromatic resistance flask, sharpen your weapon, put on the wards. THEN: Use one of your Magic Resistance Potions. It should provide protection for 3 mins (I'm an alchemist so at least for me that potion works for 3 min). Then wait for 1 min without attacking because of the cooldown and drink one Greater Fire Resistance Potion. Now you are ready, with 2 resistance buffs on. :)

  Attack one of the guards first and nuke him down. Don't use Victory Rush until there's about 7-10 seconds left of the Victory Rush possibility. Your Shield Ward should keep you in full health nicely until the first guard dies. Then move on to the next guard. You could start using your defensive abilities that have 2 min cd at this point so those abilities will have time to come back into use again before the fight is over. Do not use healing potion however or any other potion. You need to use swiftness potion soon and it shares cd with other potions.

  There are some things that are pretty obvious for warriors but one of these things I'll mention: when you are taking damage from 3 enemies you'll get plenty of rage so remember to use it. I often noticed in my first attempts that I had full rage bar while dying so I could've used Heroic Strike more.

  When the guards are dead, wait until your health has dropped to half or a bit less. THEN: wait until the General starts casting Flame Strike and at that moment use your Swiftness Potion and run away as far as you can in that 15 seconds (but don't jump down from the bridge or he'll reset, I think). Then use Frostweave Bandage to heal yourself. When the General catches you the situation should be pretty sweet. :) I had almost full health and General had around 30%. Also at this time many of your 2 min cds are ready again. I had talent Impending Victory which also is very nice in situations like this. Then it was just using your shield walls and such and devastating him to the ground. Victory!!

  Now I've soloed every dungeon where lvl 60 can get in except Slave Pens and Underbog. So, Slave Pens here I come!
