Me! :D

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  Gehennas solo guide
  • zone: Molten Core
  • soloed with: lvl 62 protection warrior
  • solo date: 18th of March 2016

  The first time I tried to solo Gehennas I was stun locked to death. After a couple of tries with the same results I came to the conclusion that it was impossible to win, so after that I avoided Gehennas in Molten Core for a year. In 2016 I went for another try and tested the Free Action potion and guess what, it works! The Free Action potion makes you immune to stuns for 30 seconds and that's just enough time to kill both of Gehennas' guards. After the stunning guards were down I thought this would be an easy fight but there is another major issue that needs to be dealt with: the -75% healing curse.

  In the days when I soloed this, protection warriors relied heavily on selfhealing (at least I did). By using Last Stand + Enraged Regeneration you could get about half of your health back. Add to that trinkets that momentarily give you more health, plus all the other minor heals (Lily Root, healing potions, healing necklace, trinkets, even bandages). Now, taking 75% off of all that healing causes a big problem. Fortunately there is an answer for the healing curse, and the answer also comes from potions: the Purification Potion. Now the only problem is that these potions have 1 min cooldown. But using these two potions, the Free Action potion and the Purification potion, is the key for this fight.

  So here we go. Naturally, before you engage remember to use all the basic stuff: Battle Shout, food buff, weightstones/sharpening stones, rune of warding, ward of shielding, battle & guardian elixirs (I used Earthen elixir and elixir of Brute Force). When you're ready, use a Fire Protection potion or Shadow Protection potion (preferrably Major ones, if you can find those). Then wait for one minute (the potions have 1 minute cooldown and the effect lasts for 2 minutes). After the minute has gone, use Free Action potion and attack one of the guards. At this point I used the Demoralizing Shout and Shield Wall and now that I think of it you could also use the Enraged Regeneration right after the Free Action potion because they both have 1 min cooldown. But the Regeneration needs to be ready when you can drink potion again and I didn't use it at the beginning of the fight.

  The challenge of the fight is to nuke the guards down and stay alive for 1 minute without healing. So kill the guards as fast as possible so that the damage you take will be decreased. After the guards are down start walking backwards so you are not standing in the Rain of Fire that Gehennas will often cast. Keep an eye on the cooldown on that Purification potion. If you're about to die you can use some minor heal and you can also use the Last Stand few seconds earlier than the potion becomes drinkable. As soon as you can drink the potion, do it. For me it removed the healing curse every time but maybe there's a chance of failure. Immediately after the potion, use all the healing you've got (Last Stand, health trinket, Enraged Regeneration). Gehennas may curse you again. If you survive this far you now have a good chance to win. :)

  At the end just dps Gehennas to the ground. For me this fight took 2-3 tries after I figured out the potions. Still, it was one of the hardest fights at lvl 62 (though not as hard as Musel'ek) and every time it was so close.