Me! :D

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  Noble Garden egg hunt guide
  Below is a screenshot of my favorite egg collecting spot (click the picture to see it in full size). It is in Razor Hill. If you maximize the camera distance and minimize the environment details, then you can see 13 different egg spawning points at that spot without having to move the camera (if you move the camera, you can even see a 14th egg spawning point). This way you no longer need to look for the eggs, you can simply collect them, because there's always an egg in one of those 13 spots. Best time to use this method is when there are many other gatherers. As other players pick up eggs elsewhere, you will soon get new ones spawning here. You should be able to get around 60 eggs in every 10 minutes using the spot in the picture. During late nights and early mornings however, when there are no other gatherers around, it's best to just run around the village and pick up eggs wherever you see them.


  If you're colleting for the mount using trial characters, like me, remember that those Springstriders are "unique", so you can only have one per character. And your character must be lvl 20 or higher to buy it. Happy gathering! :)